I know that there are ten different alternatives. Why don’t we simply improve the basic stuff?

  • TimeSquirrel
    392 months ago

    My question is, how can you look at whitespace in a filename and not have your eyelid twitch?

      • TimeSquirrel
        252 months ago

        being autistic

        Easy there, a lot of people on the spectrum built everything you’re using to talk to me right now.

          • TimeSquirrel
            2 months ago

            By “a lot of people”, I meant “a great many of them” compared to neurotypicals. Not all.

            It often takes a special kind of person to be able to absorb reams of dry technical knowledge in a narrow field and spit it out like it’s a second language.

            It’s easy to recognize in people like RMS, Steve Wozniak, and Torvalds if you are afflicted with it too (although technically none have been officially diagnosed). Even Elon Musk exhibits traits of it (as much as I don’t want to be associated with him) I can still recognize the complete social ineptitude and obsessive behaviors that are often associated with it.