Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, the head of the Bundestag?s defence committee, has said that Chancellor Olaf Scholz is the only one in the coalition who is blocking the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine.

    1 year ago

    Same Rhetoric and propaganda we have seen dozens of times already, last time regarding Leopard-2s.

    The facts however didn’t change since then: Scholz actually has one vote in a council of 9. If he is the only one against deliveries then there is no block (unless he uses his special priviledge as Bundeskanzler to direct Ministers… which is rare, transparent and publically known, so we know this didn’t happen).

    Just like for example requests for export approvals (their filing and the decision about them) is transparent (transparent enough in this case… they are either published end of year automatically or can be requested in parliament - which especially opposition parties constantly do) and we actually know about them. And yet media spend months lying about imaginary German blocks that totally happened… Really, they did! And Germany’s government is just breaking their own laws to not tell anyone openly every single day… Just trust us…

    2 years of constant anti-German government or Bundeskanzler rhetorics non-stop and people still couldn’t manage to look up the actual legal situation would be impressive, if we didn’t known already that it’s just propaganda.