Asshole is also a defender of “USA should police the whole world”, so he can go fuck himself with pineapple leaves.
Reading about this guy, he sounds like a moron known for saying contrarian bullshit and holding the exact opposite beliefs of what a normal intelligent human would have. And he’s rewarded for it.
Edit: nevermind, born rich, established rich kid connections, etc. Nothing to see here.
Wow, I’m sure the masses disagree with this opinion.
A lot of these media outlets are owned by billionaires. I know for sure, that Bezos owns Washington Post
I’m so tired of opening Lemmy and seeing this stupid article.
What are you going to do about it?
Downvote generally. We don’t need to be directing our attention to troll garbage.
Opinion piece, folks. The NYT is a boot licking rag but opinion pieces are the opinion of the individual writer, sometimes someone not even associated with the paper. I’ve seen wild shit go up there that they’d never agree with.
Brett Stevens is a permanent opinion piece writer at the NYT. This isn’t directly from the editorial board but it is a person they hired directly.
He is their “pet conservative” though so he’s a professional moron.
Opinion pieces are chosen by the editors. They don’t allow any opinions they don’t want to make print.
Exactly. For example, they have a policy of not allowing trans writers to write opinion pieces on trans issues, as they consider the people most knowledgeable about trans issues to be “biased.”
Yes. They put it up because everyone is reading it and seething and sharing it and talking about it.
Are you not familiar with how media operates? It’s often a cynical business reflecting only one thing: they like money.
And what a stupidly ignorant opinion that is.
It sounds like Bret really idolizes that CEO. I hope he guys the same treatment
The first step to writing an article like this is to bend your spine backwards until your head is inside your asshole.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
It’s a Bret Stephens opinion piece. He’s the token conservative of the column. He is literally 1 out of 18 other columnists. He doesn’t even remotely represent The Times as a whole. This declaration is almost as dumb as Bret…almost.
Always has been conservative.
The author, Bret Stephens, inherited his fortune from a chemical company his parents built. Just for context as to why he defends a sleezy multi-millionaire
Even his name exudes privilege. Who names their kid Bret anymore? Seriously…
I read that as “Brat”, lol.
I mean might as well
I dunno, listen to Bonespurs whenever the NYT says anything bad about him - then it’s a failing liberal rag.
Bret Stephens is an absolute clown.
Right now they have an article for the case against vigilantism. Fucking hell qualified immunity is state based vigilantism.