President-elect Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that Republicans will work together to ditch Daylight Saving Time, the practice of changing the clocks by an hour twice a year.
I’m fine with that, but I think we should settle on Daylight Savings time. You know, when time is an hour ahead of what it is now.
Standard time is the WORST. My political party might be permanent Daylight Savings Time
If we had year-round DST, the sun wouldn’t rise until after 8 AM in the winter.
The extra hour of sunshine cannot be good for global temperatures.
He’ll probably fuck it up by pushing for year-round DST (where the sun wouldn’t rise until after 8 AM in the winter).
I support standard time more, the 12 o clock at the center of the timezone should be noon, not having noon at 1PM, and day lengths are better on average without. DST makes it better, but only for sunset times, it makes the mornings drastically worse and I think employers and schools should just change their hours if they care so much about sunlight when they leave.
Instead of squawking over which to have, how about we all just uze Zulu time and eliminate the timezone confusion as well?
Then you will have different work hours everywhere. Chaos.
Or you would need to force a lot of people to work at strange hours.How is that chaos?
Sunrised in NY and CA at 7 am today in their respective time
They are 3 hours apart in time zones.
So if you wanted everyone to use same clock and for the sun to rise at 7am in NY. That would mean the sun would rise at 4am in CA.
The sun would set at 1:30pm in CA
Someone currently working a 9-5pm. It would become a 6-2pm job.
How is that not going to cause chaos?
Different employers in areas have their own arbitrary start/stop times already, time numbers are already an arbitrary concept, if someone in CA right now is working hours based on NY, when they work relative to the sun won’t change, just the numbers. The difference would be in people cold contacting others vs scheduled times. Right now if something is scheduled you have to convert it to your time, the formula for which will vary based on what time zone it is scheduled in. With this change, when reaching out to someone far away, you’d have to figure out if you’re contacting them at an appropriate time for their day/night, but that’s also inexact because people have different personal cycles anyway.
Working hours being 9am-5pm vs 1900-0300 are just numbers.
Thats how many jobs already are. Jobs ending at 2pm in California because the majority of their market is already gone for the day. There is nothing chaotic about it at all. They are just numbers. We are open from 9-17. Hours posted, that’s when they are open. In New York when someone asks what time they are open the answer is 9-17, in Japan, it’s 9-17. No matter where you are in the world, look at your watch/clock/phone I should be able to say huh, it’s 11, they are open… I’ll give them a call. 0 chaos. No asking what time zone, no asking if it’s 11am or pm, just 9-17. Always the same for anyone who wants to do business with that business.
Sidenote, think about how much cooler new years would be. Everyone on the planet moving to a new year at the same time. Not, well Terry is in Texas so it won’t be for another hour there.
It’s not just numbers: there’s an even more significant factor: insolation. It would be much more uneven for different places and sunlight affects our psychic and physiology.
If companies actually are about such things then since the sun goes down at at 4:36 where I live, also the majority of people work inside. So a a healthier schedule would be getting off work at 12, and going to bed at 5:30pm (17:30).
That extends the most amount of hours you spend awake and not sitting inside working, to daylight. So your workday should start around 3 it will be light outside when you take lunch at 7, and you get off at 12. So you have full access to the best psychic and physiology right? Sun sets at 4:30, and your in bed by 5:30.
Somehow I don’t think that’s what people want though.
I personally don’t care for it much, but I am usually more awake during the night anyways.
My start times this week were; 6:30, 3:30, 6, 6, 5:30. Most would think that’s to early, especially when you have to drive 50 miles to work. So I leave at 2:30am on Tuesdays, lol.
Every job is different
Broken clock.
A broken clock can be right three times a day, if it breaks between 2AM and 3AM on the day of the DST change…
Or more often, if it runs backwards. Far less often if it runs fast or slow.
Broken record.
The Sunlight Protection Act has been put up several times and passed by the Senate as recently as 2022. It sits in a committee at this time. I’m sure trump will take credit if it works its way through.
Why hasn’t it passed the house if Republicans supported it in the Senate? Strange
Well I hope it does make it through, despite bronzer boy taking credit for it.
Finally something I can support
Just trying to distract the public from any number of his fucked up shit
I’m for permanent daylight. Not a morning person so i hate the sun coming up so early. The mornings should be dark and gloomy (because I have to go to work, work sucks) plus the added benefit of actually having some light when you get off work. The sun going down right when I’m finally off is kind of insulting and depressing.
Getting anyone to come to an agreement on this will be impossible since its based on preference.
Aren’t they doing the opposite though, they are doing no light when you get off work?
I’m definitely with you though, having it dark outside when I’m done work for the day sucks, even when working from home.
That’s why you base it on science and will you look at that, regular time is better, who would have thought?
Honestly I’d rather have the switch than permanent daylight.
Permanent Daylight would suuuuuck in the winter. You’d be at school or work for hours before you see the sun. I’d prefer to be on permanent standard time and just have the sun wake me up earlier in the summertime. I don’t need a 9 pm sunset.
Suck in winter, and half of spring and fall.
I wonder how long until some special interest group like airlines come along and bribe him to change his mind, because it would be expensive for them to update their systems
Extra hour of sunlight for golf no doubt.
That would be permanent Daylight Savings, not eliminating it.
Though I’m not sure he or many others know the difference.Half the people cheering the elimination of DST actually want permanent DST. Can’t wait for this to go through, morons will get what they asked for instead of what they wanted. Theyre going to spend the extra hour of sun asleep in their beds.
I don’t give a crap if the clocks stay forward or stay back, as long as they stay put.
Take off your watch then, you’re the one carrying it around.
As someone who mourns the 24hrs open world that covid killed, I don’t care what the sky looks like, I’m just sick of my circadian rhythm being thrown off every few months because some fuck couldn’t be bothered to use a lamp and decided it needed to be everyone else’s problem.
You realize the circadian rhythm of humans is massively influenced by the sun right? It’s not just not using lamps, the light of the sun literally activates hormones that tell you it’s time to get up and lack of sunlight makes hormones tell you it’s time to sleep.
Yes, I also understand that the sun rising and setting doesn’t stop me from going about my day. Daylight savings doesn’t take away the sun, it just let’s my boss demand I change what time I wake up by an hour.
So it’s not about your circadian rhythm anymore its about fighting it and doing your things no matter what the sun is doing? Most humans still need light to regulate their sleep, emotions, hair growth, and literal bone density. I’m glad your special but pretending like it’s just people who don’t want to use lamps is the worst comparison I think ive ever seen on the subject.
I would be prepared to take either one at this point
Whatever gets the clocks fixed.
As you age time appears to pass faster.
In your late 70s, six months flies by, so older people tend to hate daylight savings time, because they they’re constantly changing their clocks.
It’s why Biden was such a bad president, the last four years flew by and he probably barely realized it.
It’s why the entire time he kept saying “we need to figure out what’s going on first”.
At that age you just can’t keep up with a normal day to day, let alone be the fucking president of America.
trump obviously will (and has) had the same issue, it’s just when Trump doesn’t get his shit done, it’s almost always a positive for the country.
Not that I can tell yet, but i heard that the peak of time passing is around 45-50 years old. Also, things like this apply a lot more to people who do the same routines day in and day out. Someone like Trump probably sees it a bit less due to always having a different day most days. Although, at the same time, how many days did he golf or just vacation on his last term?
Whatever his reason, it’s gonna be stupid.
But unironically, there’s a lot of good reasons to just go with one time or the other.
So it’s weird to keep seeing headlines about it
Media is desperate to get people to arguing over shit that doesn’t really matter along party lines.
They’re still shitting their pants over 99% of the country uniting behind Luigi. They want us to talk about anything except the shit that effects billionaires negatively
but i heard that the peak of time passing is around 45-50 years old.
I kind of just glossed over that. But it’s completely incorrect btw …
As a programmer, software and operating system enthusiast that keeps up with time zone rule changes to keep legacy operating systems updated, I absolutely hate whenever they fuck with the time zone rules.
All the devices out there that are pre-programmed to change the daylight savings time automatically will need to be updated to continue working correctly, or some may have to be manually corrected twice a year.
If it counts for anything though, modern operating systems and devices would end up getting the appropriate updates from their relevant update servers, and phones will just get their time from the cell towers.
When you get down to it though, it doesn’t make the days any longer or shorter, it’s just the numbers we assign to the clock. The sun is still gonna rise and set just like it always has, longer days in the summer and shorter days in the winter.
Only now the sun is gonna come up at a time when most people are awake and not set on your way home to work. I live on the western edge of a time zone and daylight savings time means the sun rises around 8 and sets at 5. That means the sun is up while i am at work, and i get of work just in time to watch a million deer try to cross the road on my way home. And I’m not even as far north as a lot of other people in the US. It’s garbage
There’s no law forcing employers to set their work hours fixed all year long, they could just as well change their own working hours based on the season and when the sun rises/sets.
That seems more or less the common sense approach if they are gonna do away with daylight savings time. But that would be too much like right, I bet most employers would be like fuck that.
Were in normal time right now and the sun sets at 4:00. You want permanent DST.
Lot of down votes for a fact. Lemmings are wild.
They say they want the sun up sooner in the morning, so they want normal time
They also say they want it to not set on their way home from work, so do they?
Read again
“home TO work”
They want the sun up in the morning before they go to work.
on your way home
Read again “on your way home”
Its insanely unclear but this context should let you know what they meant
and i get of work just in time to watch a million deer try to cross the road on my way home
sounds like they want a lighter commute home still.
Sounds like they want the day to last longer all year, solution is to move south
Or employers could just move their work schedules to 8-4 instead of 9-5. That’s all that daylight savings is actually doing.
Yeah and they could pay us living wages too, or at least stop firing people then making everyone else take their workload with no extra pay. They wont do any of that though. And a congress that can barely pass a budget wont help us, they’ll axe DST and never do anything about it again. Plus if you have kids Im telling you right now the time they start school will not be changing either.