I’m still not convinced it was actually him. The way he was arrested and all that damning evidence supposedly found on him is super sus. They needed to catch someone quickly to show the public so the movement doesn’t spread, and this might be just the show we were given
If he was being framed, he would of said so when the cameras were on him but he did the opposite.
I think he doesn’t deserve any time but it’s clear he is the shooter after what he said, unless they are blackmailing him or something.
We’ve all seen that. What I’m saying is I’m not convinced that guy isn’t just acting the part. Security theater
Like an actor going for a lifesentence? I’m not saying it’s impossible but it strikes me as highly unlikely. I don’t know what payday they could have offered him. I also figure they would have chosen someone uglier.
Agreed, honestly. Maybe it was, but there’s a lot of coincidence.
I dont really follow this stuff since we have much bigger fish to fry but I donate to causes and share them as much as I can. Also looking at all the injustice-porn out there would mean I cant do these things anymore.
Same. You have to choose, I get that. One that I’ve recently focused on is the Innocence Project https://innocenceproject.org/
Webserver down
It’s up, I checked
Yeah, I’ve never gotten over that… It is just so strange. And the note was so sloppy and brief.
Surprised the powers that be hadn’t pressured gofundme or wherever to disallow donations to the guy given the wide ranging and rapid smear campaign dude faced.
That’s exactly what happened when it was first started on GoFundMe, now it’s on something called GiveSendGo. I imagine they’re using it like an ad for their platform instead
Bookmark this site and order “The Cards” from them once they get their payment system restored ;)
https://www.comradeworkwear.com/ https://www.comradeworkwear.com/products/the-playing-cards
All because of this… https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/who-james-harr-a-clothing-line-s-founder-creates-most-wanted-ceos-playing-cards-wake-brian-thompson-s-killing
I love this, but I also I got a small chuckle at a webstore selling an “abolish capitalism” shirt. I’ll definitely get the sailor moon one.
Thank you for posting this. Has been bookmarked.
It likely won’t be up for very long. Lots of trademark/copyright infringement on there, and you know how the American elite feel about that.
Ohhhh found something to wear along with my cola Corp stuff.
How many countries have a death penalty? The US is probably only in the company of non-democratic countries.
Japan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Taiwan.
There’s actually quite a few. Mainly in Asia and Africa, a couple places still have it on the books even if it isn’t carried out.