My dreams are always about doing something in groups of 2-5 people at some random place. Always pleasant, always strange.
And here I am fighting for my life every fucking night.
bro there is like and entire continuing story line in mine, and it never makes sense.
My dreams used to be much more vibrant and mysterious when I was A) younger and B) regularly used psychedelics. I would dream of blowing along with petals in the wind through Japanese landscapes, or huge Mayan temples looming out in the mist of ancient valleys. These days I most just dream about dumb shit.
I’ve yet to figure out why flying cars are a repeating element in my dreams of all things. They usually start stalling or something partway through, too.
I once had someone tell me abstract dreaming is linked to creativity. I think it had something to do with which side of your brain is dominant. I don’t know if this is true.
Fetish dreams are funny