Religious rationalizers twist phrases and modify translations to prove they are honoring the Bible’s words.
Dude, don’t even get me STARTED on the Bible. I’m so goddamn pissed off about what those chucklefucks of disciples wrote about me. That whole bit about homophobia - all Peter (that dude was so far in the closet he was adventuring in Narnia). Dad doesn’t give a shit where you stick your dick as long as you’re a good person. And I mean, we were just a bunch of goddamn hippies scrounging in the deserts, for chrissake. It was John the Baptist that started all this bullshit when he blew my cover.
Now, I admit, I was pretty much drunk and high the entire time, so my memories are a bit fuzzy, but shit man, you’re roadtripping around the country in your 20s, you don’t expect motherfuckers to make a goddamn religion out of it two centuries later.
This is why I work on cars now, not people. A car doesn’t give a shit what you say to it. People go fucking nuts the moment you tell them who your dad is…