Privacy measures apparently helping criminals evade capture

    83 months ago

    Privacy measures prevent labeling anyone as a criminal. People have always had the ability to speak in person with the same amount of ambiguity to the law. Real police work is required. Sure the scope of communication is larger, but that correlates with the scope of individual activities. There is just as much information to work with as there has always been. The problem is corrupt governments that want to steal autonomy in this disgusting neo feudal dystopia. Any sophist spinning this nonsense about mass surveillance should be feared and loathed. This is the way you create a Kremlin in a police state. This is how you find yourself invading another country for no reason, when you have no desire to kill your neighbors in such sanctioned murder and get yourself a ticket in a mass grave. Autonomy is everything. It is egalitarianism; a cornerstone of democracy; the fulcrum of enslaved servitude.

  • Possibly linux
    83 months ago

    They completely miss the point. Governments and institutions don’t just be about stopping criminals. They need to protect personal liberties.