A set back. If he complies. And temporary once the other courts get involved
A set back. If he complies. And temporary once the other courts get involved
I think they’ve taken into the category of fascist loving snakes now the way I understand it
What’s a yoot?
Any tips or suggestions?
They also changed gulf of Mexico officially to gulf of America in Maps
The dumbest person in stereotypical movies is always the one easily distracted by pretty, shiny things.
Cases of human penis ossification following trauma have been reported, and one case was reported of a congenital os penis surgically removed from a 5-year-old boy, who also had other developmental abnormalities, including a cleft scrotum.
maybe after?
Laryngeal nerve / Vagus nerve!
The event was hosted by Richard Dawkins and hadn’t been done before (on record anyway)
The video is very short and everyone should watch (graphic giraffe dissection warning)
Wait, I grabbed the wrong one. I didn’t know why he sent one that was cropped
Neil Shubin, the OP, authored a book titled Your Inner Fish that includes original art by Kalliopi Monoyios. The image is from his book. His X post, which I will not link, is the original source of the image. At the height of it’s popularity, there was a website yourinnerfish.com that featured the image as well, but it is no more.
They don’t get sick days or snow days from school. I bet they’re just a little bit happy on the inside when some eminent threat cancels school
I picture the cook in the back hearing “Who cooked this shit eggs? Your chef is trash!” and he smirks recognizing the voice as he removes his apron.
As a wealthy shareholder, I’ve never been denied coverage with my triple platinum titanium plus coverage plan. My personal UHC rep always approves my medical needs. If the people want to stop getting denied, they should just get the better plan. It’s their own fault. Same goes for those lazy mooching peasants on Medicare whining about Trump raising the insulin prices. Mine are covered, what’s your problem??
Union lawyers work their asses off as they are under constant barrage of top-down leaders trying to take control and wealthy attempting to subvert their existence. I wonder how much dues would go down if there were more worker protection laws. Trump going after unions is next on the list. You suck if you’re not a part of your workplace union.
Do they run in and take over the space when they see you going in, or did you peek in to see what shenanigans they were up to in the bathroom?
Trump shrugged off the market reaction on Monday, suggesting to the reporters in the Oval Office that he wasn’t aware of the volatility. “I don’t know. I don’t think about it,” he said.
Based on his reaction, yes it was completely about stocks. When the hell does he ever act like he is unaware of something
Is retard a bait/dog whistle word?