Remind me again who they voted for…
Remind me again who they voted for…
It won’t take a year, and it will be more than just half.
Musk/Trump will deliver on that, no questions asked.
Just wait for next years placing, when the current actions of the Trump junta are taken into account.
Ahh, the good old shooting of the messenger…
Are they that deep in Deep Shit Creek?
The EU is talking to Turkey about membership (on and off…), and I would say that Canada is more European than Turkey.
If anyone gets that reference, congratulations, you are officially old.
I managed to blow up the BITNET mail quota right through the ceiling within a few days…
Long overdue, and probably too late.
At home, I.e. “Truth” Social?
That reminds me of French lessons in my kids’ school. In my daughters class were two French native speakers who nearly failed the course.
And the group of French teachers at the school were wondering why pupils usually dropped that subject at the first possible moment, I.e. in class 9.
The “militias” never were a thing. The closest to that are rightwinger klans, that probably are working on either support the coup or return the US to the old ways where the preferred dress code for non-whites was loin cloth and chains…
That just shows that you did not fall into the degenerate ways of your southern neighbours.
Hey, Canada! Have you considered EU membership?
It is not “bonkers”, Trump just follows Putins marching orders.
Yep, that is the state of information now. When I wrote my post, the official information was different.
I’m a developer, too, and I did shareware/donationware ages ago.
I simply paid WinRAR for their work, from one honest developer to another.
And no, I would not pay today, as this was just for a windows box I used for a job at that time, and where I needed a halfway decent archiver tool, which Windows does not supply out of the box.
I usually work on Linux, where lack of fundamental tools is not an issue.
Complain to your bank, obviously.