There is an argument for simplicity, but if we’re going to change things, we might as well try for the experimentally best option.
There is an argument for simplicity, but if we’re going to change things, we might as well try for the experimentally best option.
The thing is, Ranked Choice is broken in dozens of ways. It’s actually more broken than First Past the Post.
It gives bad results that do not match the lies that it’s advocates tell, because FairVote lies their asses off about the system.
Fuck, it fails the Monotonicity Criteria.
I’ll explain this one simply. The Monotonicity Criteria says more support for Candidate A should increase the chances that Candidate A wins. Under Ranked Choice, listing Candidate A first can cause Candidate C to win.
That and the insecurity around counting make Ranked Choice a fucking stupid idea. It was a bad system when invented and it’s not gotten any better.
Except unless they had been lobotomized, they knew damn well that their vote was being thrown away and that Trump would be the likely winner.
Which is tact approval of Trump and everything that came with it.
Except Republicans are pushing anti-trans laws to prevent people from changing their names. The current proposal floating around would prevent married women from voting because they take on their husband’s last name.
RCV is a bad option that’s presented as if it could fix anything.
RCV was first invented in the 1780s, and the inventor wrote about it as the bad idea that it was, but because he was a mathematician, he wrote about the dead ends in the search for something better than the simple First Past the Post system that was in use in America.
The inventor, by the way, was Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis of Condorcet. His life was fascinating, and his death tragic, but for the moment we’ll focus on his efforts to find a better voting system.
He created a criteria for a better voting system, now named in his honor. The Condorcet Winner is the candidate who can win against any other candidate in a one on one race. They’re sometimes called the pairwise winner.
The point being, RCV, or it’s older name of Instant Runoff, cannot reliably elect the Condorcet Winner.
This was why Condorcet abandoned the system.
It was revived by some guys a few decades after Condorcet’s death. They didn’t care that it was a flawed system, just that it was slightly better than the only other option available at the time.
But that was 200 years ago. We now have quite a few options that are not deeply flawed.
First is Approval. It’s a dead simple system that always finds the Condorcet Winner.
How Approval works is thus; you get a list of names on your ballot. Mark any and all that you approve of. You may mark more than one candidate for each position.
The candidate with the highest overall approval wins.
Then there’s STAR. It’s brand new as far as voting systems go, only created in 2014. But it’s also the best system designed to date.
Basically the voter rates each candidate on a scale of 0 to 5. Multiple candidates can have the same rating. To find the winner, you simply add up the ratings for each candidate, then you take the highest two and look at each ballot. The candidate with the higher rating on that ballot gets the vote. If neither of the top two is rated higher on a ballot, either being not rated or rated the same, then the ballot is counted as No Preference, and that number is reported as part of the final tally.
Repetitive Nickelback wasn’t “discovered” in 2017.
There were radio stations back in 2004 who would do the trick where you play two Nickelback songs, sync the music, and cross fade back and forth.
You could do that trick with more than one pair, but to my knowledge couldn’t do three songs at once…
Creed gets the hate for being an overtly Christian band.
Some of their songs are alright, but the 100% Jesus 100% of the time is fucking exhausting.
Nickelback gets the hate because they constantly recycled songs. The same background music to different lyrics. All so that they could get more radio play or some shit.
Which is what really drove the hate. These bands got a disproportionate amount of radio play.
Checklist movies. It becomes more important for the movie to have X element due to marketing reasons rather than plot reasons.
If the movie has more marketing elements than plot elements, it’s a checklist movie.
A pig wearing a shirt and tie, but no pants.
The thing is, it’s not one or the other. Project 2025 is chock full of racist shit.
Leon might have tried Linux once. But he was famously fired from PayPal for trying to switch the codebase from Linux (which he didn’t understand) to Windows. And Windows ME or some shit. Not even the somewhat stable version that was also out at the time.
Except the official subreddit is one of the nicest places on the Internet.
You forgot the drugs. Drugs are worth so much more than organs. Which gets you access to more organs as your colony wealth spikes.
He did not break the law. That’s why there’s an article about him.
Entered the country legally and had current paperwork.
But the racists at ICE don’t care. They see brown and freak the duck out.
Not everything shot for a film gets used. The director might say, “let’s reshoot the scene with wardrobe B” and then you have a new take with a different outfit.
Simple scenes like that often take a few days of work to dial in just right. Or sometimes it’s done with a single take and everyone feels vaguely off about it until they see the edit.
There were guns, they were just left in the stashes. The Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and 3%ers all had weapon caches ready to go, they just didn’t open them.
Also a few pipe bombs. Those were deployed but not detonated.
Gaddafi was a fucking monster. No one misses him or his corpse freezer. So when the people started rising up, the UN said, sure, we can help out a bit. And so flew a handful of missiles. And zero troops.
No, the problem is that after giving minimal help to oust Gaddafi, no one stepped in to restore order. So the civil war continued.
As a note, the Arab Spring is part of why the Saudis helped Leon buy Twitter. To make sure it couldn’t be used for that sort of uprising again.
Mercury. Make it drink a pound of mercury. Right on top of the hard drive.
The violent insurrection with no punishment afterward seems like a fun time.