Spotube and yt-dlp for me while directly supporting the artist through merch, physical media, or bandcamp.
sapphic. hater of capital letters. bunny and cat mum. renn faire enjoyer. theatre kid. squishmallows enthusiast. taylor swift lover era appreciator. marisha ray defender. houseplant addict. multiple social accounts haver.
Spotube and yt-dlp for me while directly supporting the artist through merch, physical media, or bandcamp.
Maybe Proton should quit being buddy buddy with the US government and US big tech if they want us to take them seriously about this
The debloater? Debian.
These performative bills are so dumb; you can’t shame the shameless. Republicans are open hypocrites. You think they care about this?
Push laws for actual protections against people being hurt
I’m glad they’re adding it; I also hope that they take Bsky’s ability to detach yourself from the quoted post too.
watch them lock old reddit behind a paywall just because it’s the best part about reddit
Also Undertaker and his coworkers belongings
Triple H and killing off every viable wrestling company he can find name a more iconic duo.
tony should have said “we’re in international waters fuck it” and just used licensed track after licensed track.
just play stairway to heaven the whole time.
Brb, uploading a virus riddled document designed to delete all training instructions.
“ruined buzzfeed” implies that buzzfeed was, at one point, not ruined.
I think I figured out why America is so dumb. Because they can’t go a day without scrolling through mindless garbage on Tiktok.
This is what happens when you cancel Doctor Who, BBC.
It’s not prices so much as it is the fact that Chinese services are huge for Chinese citizens and not having them is a detriment.
real talk; i want harley cameron to cash in on moxley, hurt syndicate, takeshita, garcia, death riders, and okada, win all the belts, and then go on to wrestle kingdom and win every njpw belt too.
like she should have so many belts she looks like gizmoduck
if i were friends with joel greenberg and matt gaetz i wouldn’t want to be in the news either.
that’s just elon’s account
I’ve been on Tumblr since the David Karp days and I’ll be there for the rest of my life.
I like Max Castor’s gimmick of having an open challenge and losing every one of them (legitimately I do since usually with open challenges the challengee never or rarely wins)
Leaving thesehere: