It’s pretty gross. I liked that article a few years back comparing the Bible’s description of the antichrist to Trump.
It’s pretty gross. I liked that article a few years back comparing the Bible’s description of the antichrist to Trump.
I really liked the story and world aesthetic but the bobblehead character design is sooo off-putting to me. Zidane always reminded me a blond Chucky doll
Put it on the image then
Remember when it was a huge controversy that Ellen came out on her show in 1997?
Putting the text right over the comedian’s face is a double whammy when the image doesn’t include their name lol
Who is the comedian?
The density line is what really threw me off because the edge comment is the only thing even kind of hinting at it being possible. I guess we’ll wait and see!
Right, I get that. But does this etching technique increase resolution? I just read the article, not the study, but it only talks about the SPEED of etching, not the resolution
It’s so funny when they call themselves out. Are you saying those two flags have something in common, Trever?
OP posted this to the wrong community and fucked off. If I modded a community, a rule would be that OPs need to interact in the comment section. Otherwise they’re no better than a bot spamming shit
If your expensive thing benefits society then there’s a good chance you can find a government subsidy for it. If your expensive thing is for leisure, your analogy is silly.
Those are two separate problems. If we weren’t forced to work 40 hours a week to survive, parents wouldn’t have to take off so much time. If we lived in a more communal society that raises children together, the same would be true.
Look at what’s happening in countries where the birth rate is too low - the fear of depopulation is not unfounded.
If you mean people like that dork couple advocating for white people have tons of kids, yeah I’m totally with you.
The only reasonable campaign is Responsible Natalism.
Not arguing but why do you say presumably? I didn’t see anything about there being a finer point to the engraving
All right, think you can get the word up the chain? I know Canada’s got some clandestine operations…now would be a good time to use them
Everyone benefits from it. We need people to have kids so those kids can grow into adults. If I live to 80, I sure as hell don’t want my doctor to be 80, too.
Governments subsidizes parenthood because it’s expensive as fuck. I’m fine with that. I don’t feel like I should be compensated for not having to raise a child…the reward is my free time and money.
Having a kid is fine. Having two kids is also fine. I only have a problem with people pumping out a dozen they can’t afford to raise…and even then, it’s not because my tax dollars will pay for them - it’s because those kids aren’t being given a good life.
I’m using Connect and it’s fine. The dev sometimes pushes updates that break things but the patches come quick enough.
I have never wanted kids myself but there’s something particularly insufferable about avid anti-natalists like OP
Loved the gameplay, though!