Germany’s Sovereign Tech Fund unveils a program to fund maintainers of open source projects that’s expected to be operational by year’s end.

    • @delirious_owl
      141 month ago

      We invest in projects that benefit and strengthen the open source ecosystem. Examples include libraries for programming languages, package managers, open implementations of communication protocols, administration tools for developers, digital encryption technologies, and more

      Wow, some countries are trying to make encryption tech illegal while Germany is just throwing money at tech that could bypass those laws. Amazing.

        1 month ago

        Some german politicians have also tried time and time again to establish data retention policies because “think of the kids” argument blablabla. But so far they have failed to do that as it was proclaimed unconstitutional by our federal court. Some politicians play with the idea from time to time tho.

    • @delirious_owl
      51 month ago

      Jesus 50,000 minimum and conference attendance covered? Sign me up, see you at CCC!