• @StopJoiningWars
        122 days ago

        It’s like you really don’t want to argue about the original point of this thread, pitchforks vs cops. Gotta wonder why you would avoid the topic so much.

        Oh wait, literally no one’s wondering because you’ve got “bitch” plastered on your forehead at this point.

              • @StopJoiningWars
                122 days ago

                I’m calling it how I see it.

                It’s funny how your type advocates for pitchforks, then when rational folk come along and tell you the shit you’re facing they’re “boot-lickers” and “submissive”. Where’s your initial courage?

                Like I already mentioned, false bravado from a little superhero complex pussy.

                  • @StopJoiningWars
                    122 days ago

                    I never claimed to have any? All I have is popcorn and a will to live. Oh, and I guess I’m looking forward to seeing you die by cop too.