With a million new COVID cases per day in the US, Democrats celebrate their “victory” over COVID at their massive indoor superspreader event with zero mitigations

  • @garpujol
    324 days ago

    Thats ridiculous coming from you, you’re one of the most offensive people on here lol

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      023 days ago

      I’ve had less then 50 out of the 7400 comments I’ve made removed.

      That’s less than a percent of them so I can’t be that offensive.

      • @garpujol
        123 days ago

        Having a comment removed is not a good measure. I have comments removed, accounts banned, all the time. But it’s usually because I’m advocating for the death of billionaires, and apparently that’s a bad thing 🤷‍♂️