I have a bltouch clone which work fine on glass bed. After switching to textured PEI sheet, it’s variance trippled to 0.1mm, which make my bed mesh all wobbly.

I’m I suppose to remove the steel plate when making the bed mesh? Do you home Z with a probe with this setup?

The weirdest thing is, despite all this all my prints adhere completely fine. I guess PEI is just that good.

    • ffhein
      11 year ago

      If you press down on the PEI/steel sheet manually, does it look like it’s flexing or does it feel stable? When you switched from glass to steel+PEI, did you put an adhesive magnet sheet on the print carriage, or are you using some other method to hold the print surface in place? Just found a post on reddit where someone discovered that their build plate only sticks to the magnetic sheet when they rotate the plate 90 degrees, so perhaps that’s worth a try.