Thanks to the DEA’s massive overreach, for the third time in 5 or so months I’ve had to call a pharmacy outside my area to get my Concerta. My regular pharmacy gave me what they had, which I’m grateful for, but that left me short 7 pills. I then had to:

-Find a pharmacy that had the medicine I needed in the proper dose

-Call my doctor to have him send a new prescription over to that pharmacy since you’re not allowed to just show them your current one

-Drive about 15-20 minutes to get there

-Wait in line, give them my driver’s license (which I don’t have to do at my normal pharmacy) and sign a bunch of shit before finally leaving with it.

I’m just tired of this song and dance. Concerta works best for me though and isn’t too expensive with a coupon. I just want the DEA to stop micromanaging ADHD meds. I understand some oversight is needed but they go way overboard. Feel free to vent your frustration here as well.

    31 year ago

    It’s now been over three weeks since my son or I have been able to get our medication. I JUST got back on after a years long hiatus because of this exact issue. My life was falling apart, at least internally. I finally bit the bullet and set all the appointments and went to them. It was taxing to say the least. I even started going to counseling, really trying to take care of my mental health. Then boom, no meds and I’m a disorganized mess again. My therapy has been fairly useless because I can’t remember anything and I’m not making lists or keeping track of anything like I was on medication. It’s been rough.