I swear, I get the vibe from my cats that

  • they’re my daughters
  • one i get the vibe from that she’s my old lady (which literally she is but the wife connotation is highly questionable)

What is the relationship in the felid mind? I’ve never gotten the sense that I’m a “master” despite the fact they know when I get annoyed with them or what is forbidden and they mostly come to honor that (turns out nobody or anything likes getting hassled)

    • @OpenStars
      45 hours ago

      You also turn night into day and vice versa whenever you want - you’re kinda a god you know?:-P

      • @RadicalEagle@lemmy.world
        23 hours ago

        “Sweet kibble from Heaven! They just materialized food and a bag for me to play with out of thin air! Truly the bipeds are deities!” - Mr Whiskers

        • @OpenStars
          22 hours ago

          Make sure to feed them from your actual hand at first - otherwise, like with one of those auto-feeders, they may not even associate food with you! But they definitely appreciate gift bags to rip to shreds:-).