You chose to post the article and have been getting into fights with people in the comments. I support China overall, there are areas that definitely need improvement but the trends are positive and they are a much more progressive force on the global stage than a country like the US. Moreover, I don’t even live in China so my opinion wouldn’t be counted on a poll taken from Chinese citizens.
I posted an article and got the usual response, I’d hardly call that a fist fight. (Most) People here seem to agree that imprisoning people for erotic fiction writing isn’t right. That’s all I need to know.
I didn’t choose the headline, I’m not the author.
Sounds like you’re in the 5%
And sorry, I don’t click links on lemmy. But, I’ll take your word for it, even though I doubt 95% of people could agree on any single topic.
You chose to post the article and have been getting into fights with people in the comments. I support China overall, there are areas that definitely need improvement but the trends are positive and they are a much more progressive force on the global stage than a country like the US. Moreover, I don’t even live in China so my opinion wouldn’t be counted on a poll taken from Chinese citizens.
I posted an article and got the usual response, I’d hardly call that a fist fight. (Most) People here seem to agree that imprisoning people for erotic fiction writing isn’t right. That’s all I need to know.