My right sink was briefly occupied and my ocd was twitching, so I switched things up and used the left sink. I feel like a rebel - almost a gadabout. I’m still a bit anxious about it, but there’s definitely a ‘spring’ in my step.
My right sink was briefly occupied and my ocd was twitching, so I switched things up and used the left sink. I feel like a rebel - almost a gadabout. I’m still a bit anxious about it, but there’s definitely a ‘spring’ in my step.
Every place I’ve ever lived has always had a garbage disposal. This is definitely more common in the US, particularly in urban areas so I recognize that not everyone may have one. However, this sink looks exactly like my current kitchen sink so I subconsciously assumed there would be one.
I’ve lived in the US my whole life and never had one. Thinking back through all the dorms and apartments, my friend’s houses, my mom’s house through multiple kitchen renovations… My grandma has one but that’s the only one I can think of.
Maybe it’s more common on the West Coast?
Texas here and all but one of my many apartments/homes over the years has had one. I assumed it was pretty standard.
Extremely common in the midwest and have been for decades. In my experience people don’t use them for grinding up a bunch of food waste. Mostly used to break up the food that comes off washed dishes to avoid clogging up the drainage system. My dad said it helped with septic systems.
Even the 100+ year old farmhouses frequently had them added in.
Apartments seem to have them less frequently.