Former President Donald Trump is expected to surrender himself to the Fulton County jail at the end of next week – on Thursday or Friday, a senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the surrender told CNN.

    2711 months ago

    Wait, do I understand correctly that he has to drop in to jail now (to register himself?) and then he’s free for another 6 months before the hearings commence?

    • FuglyDuck
      2811 months ago


      It’ll probably be years before he’s actually in prison, and then it’ll probably be “house arrest” because secret service doesn’t want to just cut bait.

      They really should cut bait. Protecting a traitor is a worse look than the traitor getting shanked in jail

      1911 months ago

      Yea, but the trial wont start in 6 months. Legal analysts are saying it will be 2-3 years before the trial starts, because the prosecutor is trying all 19 people at once, they each get to make their own motions and requests to delay and all the legal procedural stuff that happens before a trial, but 19 times, and each one has to be heard by the judge and ruled on.

      It’s believed his federal cases will be tried and ruled on before the jury is even seated in this Georgia case.

        • The American system doesn’t actually work and needs to be modded, that’s what it shows, and people need to be willing to change their moral outlook to make it happen. That doesn’t mean accepting torture or the other stupid horrific shit people decided was okay back in the 00’s. It means come up with and try a newer, better system based on today’s technology and values.

          • Digitalprimate
            211 months ago

            This is nested so deep in such an old thread no one will see it, but I thought I’d chime in anyway.

            This system in NL - indeed much of the EU/UK - is almost this slow too. Part of it (in the EU) is we do not use common law system like N America and the UK but rather the civil law system. But that only accounts for a part of it. Here we really do have the innocent before proven guilty thing happening. Most countries do not allow suspects full name to appear in the paper. Dave Smith would be “D Smith” in a newspaper article.

            It can really suck here too, and frankly we get people offending while awaiting trial far more often than we should. I think the main difference is that in general we do not have the same level of violent (physical or economical) crime that the States does.

            Anyway as a former American I shit on American systems a lot and in many cases rightfully so. But not in this case, as much as I desperately wish the Georgia trial would start the next day after he surrenders.