Image description:

Depicted in the image is Sisyphus pushing his legendary boulder up a hill, written in the boulder are the words, "The fucking dishes and the fucking laundry."

End image description.

Straight up though I recently learned a really weird way of editing pictures for creative distortion (it involves Audacity (the sound editor)) and I straight up forgot to do both before work.

Yesterday and today.

Good news is I learned a lot on how editing those pictures works. Bad news is tonight's dinner was cereal eaten out of a mug with a fork.

  • Ser Salty
    410 months ago

    Well, we have a dishwasher and I guess it maybe helps a little? The plates still stack, though it is a bit easier to convince yourself to just put them in the dishwasher real quick, takes less than 10 minutes, than washing them by hand.

    • Dojan
      210 months ago

      Yeah that’s how I see it too. Then there’s a risk of the clean dishes living in the dishwasher for a bit but at least I have dishes, and it doesn’t feel as daunting to deal with. It’s like with the floors, pulling out a massive vacuum and dealing with the mop and whatnot is much more daunting than dealing with the dock every so often. Sure it doesn’t outright replace proper vacuuming or dusting, you still need to do that, but it helps a lot.

    • @infinitevalence
      110 months ago

      Sure until there is a clean load in the washer and you can’t put them back but you can clean the dirty ones until you do.

      And I’m done cases the kitchen is to dirty to put the clean dishes back so you have to just hope for a dish fairy to do it so you can get unblocked.