Google has quietly deprecated the Messages and Dialer apps in AOSP, and it could have ramifications for upstart brands and custom ROM fans.

  • nobodyspecial
    141 year ago

    OK Google, you win. I capitulate. Next phone is going to be Apple. If it’s locked down, low customization walled garden either way I’d rather something with trade in value and a bit of snob appeal.

    • PabloDiscobar
      1 year ago

      Or just don’t buy a phone. The resources required to build a phone are literally destroying our planet. I wish I was exaggerating.

      • nobodyspecial
        41 year ago

        Wish I could, and I’m completely with you on both manufacturing and mining needed to enable our phone addictions. But I need it to function in modern society, much like my car or industrially farmed food. Being reachable and being able to reach out 24x7 is now an expectation. I don’t have the practiced skills to be useful as an agrarian, and not being into religion I’m pretty sure the Amish wouldn’t take me in.

        Once the not-user-serviceable battery dies or hardware start to glitch at around 2 years of age a replacement is mandatory for me. Apple’s phones seem to be designed for a service life of 3-4 years rather than 1-2, so that may be a way to help.