Sorry if I’m not the first to bring this up. It seems like a simple enough solution.

  • Zellith
    3810 months ago

    It’s almost as if people are fucking idiots.

      • Bizarroland
        1410 months ago

        What’s funny is that I vote with my wallet, and I tell my friends about it and they think I’m the weird one for not having a Facebook account, not having insta or Twitter, or shopping at Amazon or Walmart or Chick-fil-A.

        Then I explain it and that say, “that makes sense” and not 30 minutes later are telling me about how I should look up somebody on tiktok, which I don’t have, or asking about windows 11, which I don’t use, or telling me I should buy a Tesla, which I don’t want, and its for all the same reasons I keep explaining to them.

        You vote with your wallet. My vote goes for people over countries and corporations.

        As a side effect, countries and corporations have ensured that anyone who doesn’t comply gets ostracized.

        • @ThePenitentOne
          110 months ago

          Stupid people will be stupid. It became very clear to me when I learned that most people just don’t give a shit about being informed or having any accountability. Most people are not consistently rational, but rationalising and highly reactive/emotional.

    • TwilightVulpine
      710 months ago

      Almost like people with more money than sense can outvote everyone else.

      How do you even count “people who didn’t buy product X”? There could be millions more, either out of revolt or sheer disinterest, but that just doesn’t matter for the companies selling a product. The only votes that end up counting are the ones from people buying.

      People really need to drop that saying, because the market was never a democracy and it will never be. Hell, companies can even ignore the paying customers to do something else entirely because the ones who have the most money are the investors.

    • Tywele
      210 months ago

      Or maybe most people just don’t care all that much.