It’s 2023 and there are more open source, decentralized social media options than ever before like Lemmy, Mastodon, and more. However, I still find myself using some big tech platforms like Twitter and Google News fairly often. While federated social networks are compelling, the content curation and discovery on platforms like Twitter seems better for my interests. The echo chambers of Twitter feel preferable to the noise of something like Mastodon. What about you all? Have you moved completely to open source social platforms, or do you still rely on some big tech ones too? I’m curious to hear your perspectives!

  • guyrocket
    41 year ago

    I’m probably going to over-answer this as I think “out loud” but here goes anyway.
    I’ve never done FB because FB is evil. I did sign up once for just long enough to report some kid for being too young to be on FB but that is all I’ve ever done there. It is pretty tempting to sign up for reals, tho because it would be the best way to reconnect with some people I have lost touch with over the years.

    I did Reddit for a while, signed up during early COVID. I’ve been off Reddit for a while now and I do miss some of the smaller more niche communities. But overall, Reddit has changed recently for the worse. I’ll still browse /all most days and the content has really gone downhill. Slo-mo car wreck in progress there, I think. Reddit can be fun, but reactions seem wildly random. I think that’s due to there just being a whole fucking lot of ppl there so you never know who will respond to any given comment.

    I’ve been on kbin since leaving Reddit and I feel more at home here than on Reddit. More like being in a bar here as opposed to a huge stadium on Reddit. And I’m not in a rush to change that.