I absolutely love flying dreams, not for the actual flying, but because I always use my skill to get out of bad/unwanted situations. I’ll be in a foot chase and I’ll just zing off into the sky. I’m also the only one who can fly, so I show off a lot.

  • @DashboTreeFrog
    111 months ago

    I love having really bizarre dreams, the weirder the better.

    I had a dream where I was some kinda high ranking engineer on a super weird interstellar craft designed by my partner, and during the dream I was vividly remembering other missions I had been on, and that’s what really stuck with me when I woke up, the fact that I had memories of a past that didn’t exist, and somehow upon waking, those memories stuck stronger than the proper dream portions. This was at a time where I was dream journalling so reading back I can recall a lot of details.

    So yeah, I like my dreams weird.