• @OtakuAltair@lemm.ee
        -147 months ago

        Sure, but the sheer number of warcrimes the US has committed in foreign countries, like the 1973 Chilean coup to overthrow the democratically elected Salvador Allende and install a military dictatorship, or the 1965 Indonesian mass killings etc. aren’t even comparable to China, or any other country for that matter.

        Not to mention the Palestinian genocide they’re funding right now. At least China handles extremist groups like the ETIM by ‘re-educating’ them and assimilating them into the rest of the country. As fucked up as that is since it’s cultural repression, at least they’re not fucking bombing them.

        • @pathief@lemmy.world
          207 months ago

          I’m sure you can Google china warcrimes as well. Assuming you’re not inside the great firewall of China, that is. Let’s not pretend China is good just because US is bad.

          • @OtakuAltair@lemm.ee
            7 months ago

            Never said they were good. Just that it’s absurd to compare China to the sheer amount of death and destruction the US has selfishly caused, and continues to cause, everywhere in the world for the profit of the ruling class.

            • @orrk@lemmy.world
              107 months ago

              as opposed to the exact same thing China does for the profit of their ruling class, but worse

              • @OtakuAltair@lemm.ee
                7 months ago

                Since Xiaoping’s market reforms, China has nationalized numerous exploitative private companies, decreased working hours to 8 per day, improved working conditions, gotten rid of hundreds of thousands of corrupt officials, purged greedy billionaires like Jack Ma, and built the most extensive high-speed rail and public transport system in the world.

                China, with 5x the population of the US, had 121k covid deaths, while the US had 1.2mil. Because the latter prioritizes capital/profit over human lives, while China does the opposite.

                These are clearly in the interest of the Proletariat/working class, not the ruling class; China has actively punished the latter.

                And all that without overthrowing foreign governments and causing genocides. So how is China even comparable to the US, aside from their economic growth? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe western media tries to show their geopolitical rivals in a bad light, even when they’re objectively better?

                • @orrk@lemmy.world
                  167 months ago

                  wait, you are using the propaganda figures of an authoritarian shithole that openly genocides one ethnicity after the other as your source?

                  ya, if you go by that logic, I’d just use PraugerU and claim that America is a morally pure nation who’s only problem is the existence of civil rights…

                • @voracitude@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  How’s Evergrande doing? What about Chinese property in general? All that ghost housing the population have sunk their savings into is appreciating nicely, yes? What’s the birth rate like in China now vs 60 years ago by the way? How’s that compare to other powers? What’s the average age of the Chinese population, again? And boy howdy the Uighurs are going to be glad the CCP aren’t into genocide.

                  It’s not a good idea to trust the numbers the CCP provides (if you can even get recent ones). I don’t pretend the US is good, but I’m not about to suck the dick of any country like you are just because they’re not America.

                  • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    All that ghost housing the population have sunk their savings into is appreciating nicely, yes?

                    Funny how everyone complains about US investors sitting on property makes housing unaffordable and also complains that surplus housing in China makes housing a bad investment.

                    Everyone hates everything.

                  • @OtakuAltair@lemm.ee
                    7 months ago

                    Last I heard, Evergrade’s chairman was selling their luxury property to pay for the debt. And you guys are still calling planned cities ‘ghost housing’? Lmao. Cool name though. I’d say the US could learn from it, but they’re unlikely to do something that’s not profitable.

                    You do realize you can google things yourself, right? China’s demographics are similar to the US, though, afaik.

                    the Uighurs are going to be glad the CCP aren’t into genocide.

                    Like I said in another comment, even the US State department says there are no mass killings in Xinjiang, and those guys would love to report otherwise. It’s probably not good there, though. Bad Empanada looked into it, and there seems to be cultural repression going on. He has sources in the video’s description.