Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo

    15 months ago

    The left is just embracing lawlessness and ignoring that a large portion of the country has no interest in allowing illegal immigration.

    Yep, because the right is the party of law and order as it routinely violates the law, disrespects the office of the president, challenges SCOTUS, and supports the most disorderly president in the last century.

    Forgive me if I summarily dismiss the Abbot’s concerns about anything and everything as anything other than being an ineffectual Republican governor trying to weasel around democratic norms to consolidate political power.

    • @isthereany
      15 months ago

      “but what about republicans on the right!”

      There are no winners. Anyone who identifies with the left or right political parties is a literal moron. There is no “norm” around unchecked historic levels of ILLEGAL immigration into America. The idea that you would even try to say it’s totally normal for a President to abdicate from securing the border and then sue anyone who tries to resist a literal tidal wave of illegal immigrants from as far away as China is ridiculous. Abbott is in the right to try to secure the border, Biden, Democrats, the left, everyone else needs to figure it out. Having a secure border is important even Obama can tell you that he was a big proponent of border security and his kept illegal immigration at similarly low levels to Trump. It was only when the left tried to use illegal immigration to brand Trump a racist and invite everyone in saying “no one is illegal” that we’ve seen this out of control historic levels of illegal immigration.

    • Kyre
      5 months ago

      Just ignore him. Look at his post history. He’s clearly a troll. This guy is pro-russia, pro-trump, anti-vacc, and a conspiracy theorist. It’s either the most pathetic “Engagement” bot ever, a russian troll sowing discord, or a seriously deranged individual whom we should pity. I think it’s the second option as literally every one of his posts is a hot take that is the exact opposite of what everyone else is saying in the thread. But at least he’s consistently on brand.