Honestly probably the best written post I’ve seen on Lemmy.

  • isthereany
    1 year ago

    The idea of “eating ass” is an example of degenerate propaganda. This whole thing just “came out of nowhere” and suddenly everyone is talking about it on social media and taking part. Homosexuality is disgusting and there is a reason why homosexuals are riddled with disease. I don’t care that some small portion of homosexuals doesn’t have 5,000 lifetime sexual partners and a whole host of STDs. Very gross. I can’t even imagine what the next generation of homosexuals is going to promote once eating literal shit isn’t enough anymore.


    They try to act like this isn’t rooted in homosexual degeneracy. So many “main stream” artists and propaganda outlets promoting this and acting like it’s totally cool, healthy, and a fun exciting thing everyone should be doing. Anyone who isn’t a complete moron can see there is a coordinated push in the media to promote this behavior. I feel sad for anyone who hates themselves so much that they would make out with a butt hole because a pop singer or propaganda outlet told them it’s in vogue.