I’m looking for a good on the eyes font that suport a feel special characters like ç, ã and í. It also need to have a easy difference between 0/O and I/l. Sorry if this is not the best place to ask this.

Edit: thank you everyone for the answers, i will use fira code on my terminal and intel one mono on my text editor.

  • jgrim of SublinksA
    11 year ago

    You’re not taking away from someone by using it. If anything, you’re helping to normalize it for those that may need it more. I find it super useful. I discovered it when I saw it as a font on my Kindle. I was like… is there a mono version?

    • Drew BellocOP
      21 year ago

      I believe that i’ve seen it in a wolfgang channel video, and i hope that fonts like that start to be installed by default for those who need it

      • jgrim of SublinksA
        21 year ago

        Yes, agree. That’s why I think everyone should use them more. They’re super helpful for all. I can make my font smaller and see just as well. If more people demand something like this then those that need it will have it.