i can’t believe i’m saying this, but i’m finding myself enjoying facebook more. the UI and design feels vintage early 2010s, the choice of reactions is nice vs just liking or upvoting something, you can sort the replies by chronology / recent / best instead of being forced to read blue-check morons, there’s an incredible depth of content, hobby groups, local interests, etc that simply couldn’t exist on twitter. it feels more like a forum.

it does also suck, of course, but it sucks in a slightly less grating way than reddit and twitter.

  • Chozo
    37 months ago

    I miss what Facebook used to offer in the earlier days. I miss being able to keep up friends and family and having a central place for everybody to just share things. It was nice for a while. It was also just nice having an account where I felt comfortable putting my face and name out there; I know that may seem kinda weird to most people, but there was something weirdly relieving about having one place where I could just say “This is me” without using a screen name and feel right about it. Facebook used to be that place for me.

    Then once Facebook started to monetize every pixel on my screen and every post on my feed was just a link to something I couldn’t care less about or trying to sell me something or infect me with something else, it became unbearable. The last time I logged into Facebook, I scrolled for probably five whole minutes before I was able to find a single, actual post written by somebody I actually cared about. Everything else was just links, freebooted videos, or algorithmically-boosted content designed to suck my attention away from the thing I actually wanted to look for.

    I’d honestly love it if there was a better Facebook-like platform on the Fediverse. Or even not on the Fediverse, just a place where I can actually keep in touch with the people I know instead of just internet strangers. Since ditching Facebook, the internet has definitely felt like a much lonelier place for me.

    • speck
      37 months ago

      I’m with you in missing that brief era where we could just be truly social online and it felt like a healthy extension of real life dynamics