
  • ⓝⓞ🅞🅝🅔
    123 months ago

    Company computing assets are managed. One normally doesn’t get to override IT policy without business justification.

    • @delirious_owl
      13 months ago

      Its not hard to justify giving everyone free cross-platform office suite at work lol

      • ElectricMachman
        93 months ago

        It is when your business relies on Microsoft services which are inherently incompatible with LO

        • @delirious_owl
          13 months ago

          That’s a huge bill for a business, and businesses are always looking to cut expenses. Again, its an easy sell

          • ElectricMachman
            73 months ago

            What happens when you need to collaborate with other businesses who use O365? The business would also have to spend time updating any legacy documents, templates, spreadsheets and so on. Then you have the IT teams, who will need extensive training so that they can field the inevitable flurry of support tickets and calls. And that’s not getting into the support side of things - who do I go to if something breaks in LibreOffice?

            I am an advocate for OSS, but there is a bigger picture here, and unfortunately it’s not always as simple as just switching over. I wish it was, believe me!

            • @delirious_owl
              13 months ago

              Tell the other business to use LO. Shouldn’t be an issue because its free and runs on every platform.

              • ElectricMachman
                53 months ago

                Y’know, this conversation doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, so I will leave it here: if it’s such an easy sell, every business in the world would have done it by now.

                • @delirious_owl
                  13 months ago

                  It became the default in every business I ever worked at. If that’s not the case where you are, perhaps you should look into a mirror and ask why?

                  • davehtaylor
                    63 months ago

                    If that’s your view of it, then you truly do not understand how businesses operate (especially larger companies). “Hey this is free, let’s switch to this!” isn’t a pitch. There are so many factors to consider: service, support, contracts, deployment, on and on and on. It would be great if every business adopted OSS, but they’re not going to. And that’s not a failure of one employee to convince a Fortune 500 company, for example, that LO would be a cost-saving measure.

      • The Cuuuuube
        33 months ago

        Not when you’re already on an annual contract with Microsoft and the majority of your company’s employees are nontechnical

        • @delirious_owl
          13 months ago

          Yes. We’re talking about Libre Office here. Its a very mature and accessible app. Not something that requires technical knowledge.

          And, yes, if you’re on an annual contract then its even easier to convince management to cancel it for all users by default (with some exceptions as needed). Lots of money to be saved.