• mommykink
    06 months ago

    In the video, a Black female teen can be seen repeatedly slamming the head of a white female teen into the pavement, which resulted in her being hospitalized with severe head injuries.

    Yeah dude, just a “viral fight.” 🙄 totally not attempted murder or anything.

    • @ccunning@lemmy.world
      126 months ago

      Crazy how you can’t get the whole story from just the headline isn’t it?

      It’s worth noting the white teen instigated the fight. Is lethal force in self defense only ok if a gun is used?

      • Lem Jukes
        6 months ago

        Did you watch the “fight”? The “instigator” goes down almost immediately and then starts getting her head smashed into the pavement. All I’m saying is, from watching the video, the “fight” ends as soon as it starts and then turns into pounding someone’s head onto pavement and then a brawl while they lay motionless on the ground with the occasional twitch and groan. Not saying anyone is in the right anywhere in this situation. But I would argue things very quickly leave the realm of reasonable self defense in the video.

        • bane_killgrind
          26 months ago

          The one video isn’t the entirety of their interaction.

          Maybe the kid retaliated too strongly this time, but kids don’t go overboard like that unless they’ve been bullied hard.

          Teachers and parents all failed at identifying and stopping bad behaviour.