What a shit! I swear I can’t be surprised and generally ignore his antics but there’s always another, scummier, act.

  • b1_
    1 year ago

    Someone should just start putting out fake Trump articles with super-weird headlines and no-one would notice - anything is plausible with this guy.

    1. ‘Trump stole Israeli artifacts from White House’
    2. ‘Trump admits that he expects servicemen to be rapists’
    3. ‘Trump kicked a child in the face while campaigning in Iowa.’
    4. ‘Donald Trump just literally made the Republican race about his penis’
    5. ‘Donald Trump likes rough sex with prostitutes who only have one leg.’
    6. ‘Trump visited church before election day and walked out with a wooden pew under his arm and a gold alter crucifix concealed in his jacket.’
    7. ‘Trump was spotted Thursday cartwheeling down Santa Monica beach in a mankini.’
    8. ‘Trump just called Hillary Clinton Beelzubub, the eater of souls.’
    9. ‘Donald Trump stole classified documents, stored them in his bathroom in Mar-a-Lago, then sent copies via bike courier to the Russian and Saudi embassies for a cash exchange of $2 million per page.’
    10. ‘Donald Trump seen naked at 3am in Central Park humping a chihuahua.’

    Challenge: 50% of these headlines are real, can you spot which ones?

    • 1, 2, 4, 8, and 9.

      3, 6, and 7 require too much physical ability to be true. 5 and 10 are both plausible, but I doubt they’d be a headline.

    • prole
      91 year ago

      Someone should just start putting out fake Trump articles with super-weird headlines and no-one would notice

      That’s exactly what we need, more fake news.

      • b1_
        71 year ago

        Close, but still good enough for second prize. Good effort.

        You win a life-sized cardboard cutout of Donald Trump with touch activated audio loops of all his most memorable Presidential quotes, such as: “And yet I’ve gone decades, decades without a war. The first president to do it for that long a period.”, and “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.” and “Despite the constant negative press covfefe”. Look for it in the mail.

    • deejay4am
      21 year ago

      Maybe someone could take over that weird network of fake local news sites that exist to push right-wing agitative propaganda and instead push fake trump headlines