• @delirious_owl
    03 months ago

    Why? You’re talking on a federated platform that solves all of the problems with centralized infrastructure and has none of the issues with block chain infrastructure.

    Blockchains make sense for ledgers, not for web infrastructure.

    • @CBRS@monero.town
      23 months ago

      Why does it matter where we talk about our project? What matters is what we will teach kids in the classroom.

      And yet again, you did not read the article and have no clue what our goals are.

      • @delirious_owl
        03 months ago

        I rad.the article. Mostly what I got out of it was paint, door security, money, and web3 nonsense

        • @CBRS@monero.town
          13 months ago

          Not the updates, but the article where we explain what we want to achieve. This is where you can find the main info about the project.

          Because of Hive (web3) social media platform the school will become self-sustainable. Not only will they post articles there and get rewarded, but they will get feedback from communities who will guide and teach them. We have teachers who will teach about Bitcoin and the history explaining what is money, explain blockchain, privacy, if kids wanna learn programming we can do that as well and then guide them to build simple blockchain related tools… the idea is to learn them as much as possible web3 related.


          And this will be my last message to you cause I see you are very negative and just don’t care.

          At least we are trying to do something and putting our energy and time into this project helping others. So, shame on you for not caring and only looking at this from the negative side.

          • @delirious_owl
            13 months ago

            Just teach the kids the normal curriculum. Give them money to fix their school without strings attached. Youre no better than evangelical Christians