Economic impact laid bare by findings has implications for UK where about two-thirds of people are overweight or obese

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  • OpenStars
    10 months ago

    Like spam emails, it worked. People have likely clicked, and here we are talking about it. As long as it continues to work, they will remain in business… :-(

    What bugs me about it is that it’s The Guardian, from which I tend to expect better. Therefore, I went ahead and clicked it, and am tremendously relieved to see that mostly it’s just an overly simplistic title - it would have read much better as something along the lines of “measuring the economic impacts of obesity” imho - though the article itself is still somewhat slim.

    Globally the costs of overweight and obesity are expected to soar from $1.96tn in 2020 to $4.32tn by 2035, according to the World Obesity Atlas published last year.