Canada boasts the 9th largest economy, pristine environmental standards, a robust legal framework, universal healthcare, world class education, and numerous …

  • Kalcifer
    12 months ago

    It seems most the problems you’re talking about are global problems though.

    Which problems that they mentioned do you think are global, and why?

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      32 months ago

      The original comment that I responded to was about inflation, food costs and housing costs.

      Those are all global problems.

      I’m not getting into what they changed their comment to because I don’t know enough about it.

      • Kalcifer
        -12 months ago

        The original comment that I responded to was about inflation, food costs and housing costs.

        Those are all global problems.

        How would you argue that they are global problems? (please don’t interperet that as condescending, or accusatory — I am simply curious. It is hard to convey emotion through text)

          • Kalcifer
            02 months ago

            I think I may have misinterpereted your argument. When you said

            It seems most the problems you’re talking about are global problems though.

            Where do you think you’ll have a better quality of life? [source]

            were you arguing that most countries have the same problems as Canada, so to immigrate elswhere would be futile? I was under the presumption that you were arguing that Canada can’t do anything to fix it’s issues, and that it would instead require some global collaborative effort.