As heat waves creep north, they are baking schools that previously did not need air conditioning. Fixing the problem will be neither cheap, nor easy.

  • OpenStars
    10 months ago

    Hehe, no I wouldn’t:-P.

    Ironically, Jesus was fairly anti religious himself - like “WTF dudes, show some compassion over your silly little rules!” Ofc they don’t teach that part in Jesus school - “oh [cough] no, Jesus was very obedient and you should be too and if so then you’ll get a present at Easter and if you are naughty you’ll just get coal instead (unless you are of that certain type - which we reserve the right to change the definition of whenever/however we like - and then we’ll electro-shock you probably to actual literal death)”. Those teachers would have done better to pick up and actually read the thing they are using to hit people over the head with:-(.