• a lil bee 🐝
    4 months ago

    They accuse them of bad journalism. Supposing intent you can’t prove is the definition of bad journalism. People need to temper their instinctual emotions a bit. I’m upset about Trump being a serial liar too (which I can say, because I’m a nobody who can totally infer his intent) but cmon, can we not leave the very foundations of factual journalism in the dust in our quest to right that wrong?

      • a lil bee 🐝
        124 months ago

        Why does journalism need to spoonfeed people? Why can’t we take accountability? They report the facts. Facts are provable, with evidence. You can only very, very rarely prove intent with evidence. A lie is an untruth delivered with intent. They cannot prove that and as such should not report it. We, as readers, should then piece the facts together. They’re giving you facts, not teaching you how to think. It’s not their job.

        • ObliviousEnlightenment
          14 months ago

          Because most people are NPCs. They’ve been spoonfed their information for a century, and before that they just knew nothing. There has never been, and likely never will be, a period in history where the average person actually is an independent rational actor. Most people are proles

          • a lil bee 🐝
            4 months ago

            Of course you can prove he said that. That’s the untruth. Can you prove he knew he lied? You and I know that because it’s clear as day and we don’t need strict evidence, but journalists do because their job is to report facts and not assumptions, even obvious ones. It’s your job as a reader to take those facts and the surrounding context to construct what happened. They should not have to spoonfeed this to us in the exact verbiage we want just because we want to score a few more points because CNN said “lie”.

            And you should genuinely be ashamed of your reading comprehension. Your response does not make sense considering what I wrote above. I addressed that directly.

            • @davidagain@lemmy.world
              -14 months ago

              You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to find reasons to preposterously believe that Trump accidentally lied. We all know this is an outrageous lie. We all know he’s an outrageous liar. I’m not asking CNN or you to say so, though, I’m asking you not to overcomplicate a very simple, very obvious lie which has a very obvious motivation. No sane or rational judge or jury is going to believe that Trump was mistaken or that he told this untruth for anything other than self-serving reasons, and Trump isn’t going to sue CNN for libel on this open-and-shut case lie because he’s neck-deep in legal costs and court cases already.

              • a lil bee 🐝
                4 months ago

                Just gonna say it again, yall need to learn to fucking read. Nobody is “trying to find reasons to proposterously believe Trump accidentally lied”. Let me clear since yall are genuinely scarily bad at reading comprehension: Trump lied. He lies a lot and we all know it. I know it. He lied this time, just like he lied all the other times. Easy for me to say, because I will not be sued and I am not in a position of power, which allows me to play whatever game I want and say whatever I want.

                Journalists are journalists. They do journalism. There are rules to proper journalism. One of those is having evidence. Do you have hard evidence that Trump knowingly told an untruth in this case? Texts from him? Documents? Not assumptions, even perfectly solid ones, but actual evidence. No, you don’t. Nobody does. The journalists don’t either. They can be sued for defamation and, more importantly, it’s not CNN’s job to tell us how to fucking think, period. Telling us shit based on assumptions, even good ones, is telling us how to think. I’m not okay with that and you shouldn’t be either.

                • Optional
                  14 months ago

                  Journalists are getting played. By a serial liar and conman (and rapist, and traitor, fwiw).

                  Use the word. Get sued. WIN. This is bullshit.

                  And I get the “respect journalism” and I get the “don’t throw out the facts with the bathwater” and you “people know what they’re doing” crowd, I understand where you’re coming from too. It’s just wrong now.

                  In 2024 it’s wrong. We’re done. Journalism as it is practiced in corporate newsrooms has failed epically. A russian-backed conman who couldn’t preside his way out of a wet paper reality show is poised to destroy democracy in all but name because they cant say “lied”. It’s bullshit. It’s long past time to change.

                  • a lil bee 🐝
                    24 months ago

                    No, they’re not. You’re just willing to undermine the foundations of journalism to get at Trump, which is not conducive to the long-term health of our democracy. Hell , let’s just scrub the first amendment while we’re at it! Then we can throw him in jail for lying! WOOOOO!

                    Some things are sacred for a reason. They’re more important than Trump, than this moment in our history. You’re trying to pull a reverse McCarthy where we just lower every bar to get at our enemies. It doesn’t make us as bad as them, but it makes us something new that is also bad. I’m not okay with it, and I’m glad these news agencies are on that same page.

                    And really, let’s zoom out for five fucking seconds. “These journalists are all getting played” By fucking what?? By saying “untruth” instead of “lie”, which every person in this country is going to read nigh identically? Really, that’s the big Trump win? Christ alive, yall are so politically weird and ineffective.