
    1 year ago

    Libertarians promote “natural” hierarchy; the ones based on slavery, inheritance, and other mechanisms of white supremacy. And ultimately, the hierarchy of money which translates to power. To say they don’t believe in hierarchy when they’re the party of the robber baron who believe the bosses have the right to murder striking workers, even child workers, is frankly silly.

    It’s not on anarchist ideology really because of this and only appeals to disinfranchised people if they haven’t bothered to do the math.

      1 year ago

      It’s like you only read two words of my comment. The dickhead rightoidswho call themselves libertarian are NOT libertarian. It is a left wing ideology. You cannot have a society that is both right wing and libertarian. It is impossible.

      That is exactly why those fuckheads bring in bullshit like “natural hierarchy”, to jam their square beliefs into the round hole that is a classless ideology.

      They took a word that already had a meaning, and tried to invert it.

      Yes, it is beyond bonkers to suggest that crypto fascists want to flatten hierarchies. That is why it’s maddeningly stupid for them to call themselves libertarians. Agreeing with them and calling them libertarians is just feeding their lie.

        1 year ago

        My point was that anarchism is not compatible with capitalism because capital is a form of hierarchy.

        And I read your post. Yes, tea party libertarians ultimately lean more big government authoritarian than strict libertarians should.

        But libertarians, even ones that aren’t in bed with the GOP, aren’t anarchist because they ultimately use the power of money and privilege to create hierarchy and control others. They just don’t want democracy (i.e. governments) interfering in that power.

        That’s not anarchy but feudalism.

          1 year ago

          That’s exactly what I’ve been saying… that is why they cannot call themselves libertarians. It’s a corruption of what the term means.