• Passwords?!

    Yeah, that and usernames are a big nope from me.

    I’m not opposed to the idea of privacy-oriented advertising, but it needs to be:

    • local only - no service, including Mozilla, can correlate me to ads being shown; advertisers and Mozilla can only know broad stats
    • opt-in - ideally it would replace ads on websites, not add ads, and ad-block should continue to be effective; I’m willing to disable ad-block if a site opts-in to privacy-friendly ads (my concern is tracking, I don’t mind them getting paid)
    • auditable - I should be able to see why certain ads are being shown, and verify that none of that metadata leaves my computer


    Again, big nope from me. I hope Mozilla significantly changes how they operate and only uses their talent to build something actually privacy-focused. That’s a pretty big ask, so I’m not optimistic.

    • @LWD@lemm.ee
      1215 days ago

      My hopes are not high. Right before FakeSpot got bought out by Mozilla, they changed their privacy policy to add a “we will sell your data if we get bought out” clause.

      (As a Mozilla product now, FakeSpot still retains private data and the right to sell it to advertising companies. So, at least to me, Mozilla has been an adtech company since 2023.)

      • They at least have good ad-block support, so I’ll continue using them as long as there’s nothing better. I’ve switched my mobile browser to Mull, and I’ll switch my desktop browser to Mullvad Browser if I need to (it’s not in my Linux distro’s repos, and I’m lazy).

        • @LWD@lemm.ee
          415 days ago

          LibreWolf is pretty good too. It’s less like Tor than Mullvad Browser is, at least out of the box.

        • JJLinux
          212 days ago

          I use the Mullvad Browser flatpak, and it works like a charm. Also LibreWolf, love it.