An enlightening and high quality video on how money and the banking system work, why they are corrupted and what is the solution.

  • @delirious_owl
    23 days ago

    I don’t want to live in a world with only one legal tender. I should be able to pay in bitcoin or monero.

    • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
      3 days ago

      OK, two cryptocurrencies as legal tender. My point still stands. If you give people a choice between crypto and fiat they will use fiat, even if it’s a foreign currency like the Dollar in El Salvador.

      The solution for El Salvador or any other country using a foreign currency isn’t to go with another foreign “currency” like Bitcoin but building their own currency.

      El Salvador had their own currency until they gave it up because their leader back then was a US Puppet.

      • chebra
        13 days ago

        @FuckyWucky @delirious_owl

        I wish I could use Bitcoin in all my transactions, it’s much easier, much safer, much more under my control. If I send fiat money from my account to another of my account, I’m always scared that someone will mark it as “suspicious” and my money will never arrive until I strip naked for them.