San Francisco’s police union says a city bakery chain has a “bigoted” policy of not serving uniformed cops.
The San Francisco Police Officers Assn. wrote in a social media post last week that Reem’s California “will not serve anyone armed and in uniform” and that includes “members of the U.S. Military.” The union is demanding that the chain “own” its policy.
Reem’s says, however, its policy isn’t against serving armed police officers. It’s against allowing guns inside its businesses.
It’s hard for me to judge them individually cop to cop because literally EVERY.SINGLE.ENCOUNTER I have EVER had with a cop has been a negative experience at best. Every single one. I’m not going to hate on you or call you fascist. Just pointing out it’s like saying I’ve never met THIS wasp before, maybe I shouldn’t judge it unless it stings me! Then surprise motherfucker you got stung, whodathunkit.
Fucking bullshit, sorry but not sorry, but you’re delusional man. And I’m a 40yo professional white guy in the suburbs! My god, I can’t even imagine being black from the hood.
Watch some Police Audit videos. About one out of 10, a cop does something spectacularly good (or at least not horrible). Once, they even arrested another cop on the scene because the other cop crossed from “merely bullying” to outright criminal behavior.
The other 9 out of 10 are disgusting and disappointing. So your view of them sure isn’t far off reality.
Too little too late.
From one white suburban 40 year old to another I understand what you’re saying and as I said before I have met plenty of wasps. I guess what I am trying to get across is that blanket hate for cops isn’t the answer. It’s a very hard job that they are not trained to do and it does attract assholes. But every encounter I have with a cop I start out just being friendly and the majority of the time they are friendly back. Also well aware of my white 6’2” privilege when dealing with them.
Sounds like survivorship bias.
Hard to really have a conversation about it when this is how it goes every time.
White suburban 40 year old that works public service in mixed cities with large populations of poor black white and Latino communities so I don’t live in a bubble. Most cops I work alongside seem to treat decent people decently. Again there have been some bad apples but it’s a work in progress.
I think you’ve misunderstood what I meant. You are a white, suburban 40 year old. Your demographic does not get targeted with police brutality, so it’s no surprise that cops treat you well. It’s a form of bias called survivorship bias.
No I understood what you said and I agree with you. I am aware that I get treated differently. However I have noticed that a lot of the younger cops that I see interact with minority populations much better than older “salty” cops and they gives me hope. There are real assholes too, my hope is things get better. Because I see the cops treat scumbag white people the same way they treat scumbag black people.
Finish that phrase. Here, I’ll start it for you “A few bad apples ruin…”. Any time someone uses the phrase “a few bad apples” and then can’t point to where those bad apples have been purged with extreme prejudice, they’re just illustrating how broken things are and why police need to be abolished and replaced in-mass with a new police force that’s designed for actually helping people with proper checks in place to permanently and aggressively deal with those that abuse their positions.
The tradeoff for police getting special powers should be that when they use those powers to violate peoples rights, the weight of the law should come down on them like a ton of bricks. If a cop commits a crime, they should have a MINIMUM of 10 times the sentence a non-cop would get. Cop assaults someone and that’s normally 6 months in jail? Cop should get 5 years in jail. Cop murders someone and normally you’d get 5 years? Cop gets 50 years. If there were extremely harsh punishments cops would be a hell of a lot less likely to abuse their positions. You also need to fix the incestuous relationship between police and prosecutors. There should be an independent department purely dedicated to arresting and prosecuting police for crimes.
I like the idea of a new police force but what you are describing sounds like inanity. You had me until you make the punishments 10x the crime. What happens when someone make a honest mistake? Because they had a off day their lives are ruined. Even in this fantasy where the constitution no longer exists who would sign up for that job? You will have to pay $500k a year and have genius lawyer monks doing the job.
If I have an off day at work, someone gets the wrong email. If a cop has an off day at work, someone’s dad gets killed. Do you not believe LEOs should be held to a higher standard of accountability? Anyone given the power to kill on behalf of the state should be held to a higher standard than the general population.
Even if I did believe that was a good thing it’s against the constitution to have 2 separate punishments. That said I think cops who fuck up should be tried in court like any other citizen. If you want change go apply to a department.
If you actually think police will change their ways of their own volition you’re truly living in a different reality. Change will come to law enforcement from the outside, not from within; they’re too entrenched in their avenues of power and abuse to have any interest in legitimate reform.
That’s the risk you take on when you’re given powers nobody else in our society has. Police can literally kill people on purpose, something that nobody else is allowed to do. Police can imprison or detain people, once again something nobody else is allowed to do. Police can take your property, once again, something nobody else can do. They can invade your privacy, and even though there are some checks on that power they’re extremely limited. Every time an officer decides to exercise their powers to violate someones rights, whether they’re justified in doing it or not, should be a weighty decision that comes with heavy consequences if they choose wrong. If a cop is worried about being punished he could always take the safe approach of you know, just not violating someones rights. You’d see a hell of a lot fewer instances of cops immediately going for their gun as their first last and final solution to literally all problems if getting that wrong actually had dire consequences for them instead of just some annoying paperwork and having to sit through interviews.
You need to talk to some other people about their experiences with cops. I look like you, but i’m autistic, so I can’t act like you. Police constantly think i’m lying/hiding something/acting guilty because they’re taught to interpret the way I interact because of a developmental disorder as criminal behavior. Then, if they push us into a meltdown by intimidating the hell out of us, because they assume we’re criminals, we get beaten and arrested or shot.
You seriously need to think more about how your position in life and outward appearance actually affects the way the world interacts with you. Things aren’t just harder for some people. They’re completely different, and these institutions are supposed to exist for all of us. f you understood what it was like to interact with the police as an autistic man or a black man, you would not be defending the police.
That sucks man and I hate that that happens to you. I am not beating my chest for every cop but not all are animals and until people stop being awful to each other they are needed. I try to de escalate every scene I am on when I feel the cops are being assholes. Their job is almost impossible and unfortunately it attracts douche bags but also there are some great cops.
Unless and until they start following section 1983 of the federal code, as was written and passed by Congress not as was illegally revised in 1874 by one person that had no authority to do so, they are all criminals and deserve nothing but scorn.
This only applies to the thugs with badges in the US. It may not apply to your utopian police department.
So you won’t call them if someone steals your car or assaults you?
Hell no, that’s only going to make things worse. First police won’t do anything if something is stolen, so that’s just wasting your time. As for assaulting you, there’s a good chance that’s going to end up with the cop beating you up instead. You’re better off asking for help from some random passer by, there’s a better chance they’ll actually help. If my house is on fire I’ll call the fire department. If I’m having a medical emergency I’ll call an ambulance. If crime of some kind is happening you deal with it yourself because the cops will either do nothing or make it worse.
Yes seriously, only thing cops are good for is the paper trail for insurance. Call them while you’re being assaulted and they’ll probably just join in the fray.
Not everyone lives in the US. I’ve been working with coppers my whole adult life and have had one bad experience. They’re good people.
Unless you think every cop is a nazi then you get downvoted to hell… feels like old Reddit… good to be home.