It can be anything: at your job or any forced activity that you just don’t feel like doing surrounded by other people. Visiting certain place, local, party, etc. It can be anything: at your job or any forced activity that you just don’t feel like doing surrounded by other people. Visiting certain place, local, party, etc.

I had to accompany my young brother to a small comic con thing a month ago and I was cringing HARD in that place I couldn’t bear being there, I just kept my head down most of the time otherwise I would’ve just start laughing or rolling my eyes looking all that adult people dressed like it’s a shitty Halloween party.

    3 months ago

    Whenever someone from HR says “We’re going to play a game to introduce ourselves” I begin screaming internally. I’m not going to sing about my job, Kaitlynn!

      3 months ago

      If you have to sing, you can make their ears regret it.

      When asked to tell people a little about yourself, it is an opportunity to tell them something outlandish and fun.

      I like to collect fortune cookie fortunes and I am weaving them into a Coat of Fortune that will bring good luck in times of need.

      I have sneezed exactly 14,372 times since I was born. Counting sneezes is a family tradition that goes back generations and I hope to pass on the tradition to my children someday.

      I have seen all 180 episodes of Golden Girls over 150 times. Before anyone asks, Sophia is my favorite. (Turn to someone) I have the actual bag. (Cheery smile with eyebrows raised)

      I know the muffin man.(Hope to God someone confirms which muffin man by way of the street and then you can confirm or bauk at that “swindling hack” and tell them a different street.)

      I can eat $4.25 in quarters before feeling too ill and jingly to continue.

      3 months ago

      I occasionally teach some training classes for my organization and one of my favorite things is to say that we’re going to play one of those ice breaker games, wait a beat, then say that we’re actually not going to do that because I hate them. Usually gets people to relax and open up a bit