And before some smartass goes like: “are you living in the 90s? Girls play videogames dude, I’m a girl gamer! I even play Fortnite and CoD with my roommates.”

Videogames in terms of the crowds that attracts is male dominated, especially as adults. Some girls replying that they play doesn’t change that fact. I’ve never met a single girl into games… except one. My English teacher, she was younger than me, I think barely an adult (night school for adults). But I quit that place without finishing the studies and never connected with teachers, plus we’re from different countries, there’s no common ground, aside that I’ve never an adult woman into them. Do they think they’re silly and childish?

    2 months ago

    I know a lot of women who play video games, I even like some of the games they like. The Sims 4 for example, Animal Crossing, Story of Seasons games; these ladies even like games which men tend to prefer like COD (that I as a man can’t stand anything multi-player or competitive). The problem with them revealing their gender online is that oftentimes they are faced with harassment by dudes bros online. It can get pretty gross quickly, so you’ll likely never know if the women surrounding you play video games because they’d only share that information if, as a person, you were one to be considered safe.