It’s been a while since a reddit thread got me this heated.

Obviously I don’t know the full context, but often when a school resource officer is the one removing a kid it’s because they’ve refused to leave after the teacher and an administrator have asked them to. So that means the student has been potentially disrupting that class for tens of minutes before someone finally removed them. Not condoning the method but the students probably knew this was coming.


There was no violence there. There was controlled use of force. She was never stuck or choked. Her lack of cooperation with an authorized authority is what caused the event to be volatile. I am confident of two things. First this is not the beginning of this incident. Second this person was given a choice. She made at least two bad choices to end up in this situation. Rebels and protesters don’t think about all the costs involved in the final purchase. Usually they don’t end up paying it either.

why are you confident of that lmao

My kid would have NEVER. But I went to school with students who acted out, and I didn’t bat an eye. Because if I acted out - the security at school would be a walk in the park compared to the ass whoopin I would’ve received at HOME.

all those beatings have sure turned you into a wonderful parent. “my kid would NEVER” = the kid is doing that thing every single day

Okay galaxy brain, how would you handle removing the child from the classroom if they refused to cooperate?

SO MANY PEOPLE being like “what’s the alternative? what were they supposed to do??”, the redditor mind can really only conceive of things happening that end in clips. The idea of having a conversation is beyond the imagination, violence is the only conceivable outcome.

What a surprise she’s black /s 🤦‍♂️

and now you see laid bare the thought that every other poster thought before making their post

  • Lucero [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Do the libs and cockservstives understand the fucking state will use these same thugs to beat them to a pulp the second it becomes convenient for the state to do that? The Biden libs after Trump are quite literally building up the military state even more with the Nievity that they some how are built diffrent and can control the deep state even though they have murdered a siting president and volun-tell every siting president how foreign policy is gonna be. They have internal factions sure. Ask, is empowering the deep state in the hope you can use it agnist your political rivals ever been a good fucking idea. Children with playing with gasoline. Except we all get burnt.