• Venat [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    Your deranged and angry rant tells me we struck a nerve with you. And that you’re likely, and charitably, a college freshman.

    You can not vote for Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, or the next figurehead and call it a day. Voting is not a civic duty or fulfilling civic action in a state where your vote is a mere permission slip of state legitimacy than an envoy of political agenda. The state will do what it must to maintain its hegemony but thank you for paying your taxes and giving the state the “right” to exist. Through your vote. Through your petty ritual.

    We can’t just leave our homes, lives, and jobs; indeed millions across the world can’t just crusade into Israel just to stop this. But millions are marching, protesting, resisting, and urging their governments to place pressure on Israel and the United States to stop the genocide. It just so happens that there is no Spirit Bomb mechanism to stop the IDF and the US from doing so but through collective civil action, disobedience, protest, and resistance.

    These discussions, real and digital, about Palestine and Israel’s genocidal terror is not a game of moral exchange where we use the dead as trophies to sanitize our complicity or seek absolution for our guilt. They are public and private declarations and exasperations of our political impotence and frustration with a political machine and configuration that has normalized, sanitized, and bargained away genocidal fervor and action. They are declarations, in the power of posting, that life has meaning and what we are all witnessing is the annihilation of the intrinsic value of human justice, of human existence and meaning within our world.

    In this particular moment, in the midst of active genocide, being a canvasser, poll worker, and campaign staffer for the Democrats (and Republicans) and believing that a fulfillment of civic and patriotic duty, progressing towards a more just and equitable society, is a farce. It is meaningless. Genocide is a crime among crimes and evil among evils. It is the negation of life in the most very literal and direct way; the ultimate desecration of humanity.

    Your conclusion, the embodiment of the emote: wojak-nooo , is one that tries to serve as a way for you to banish your conscience and guilt because the actual act of engaging in politics as an activist instead of passive consumer that validates the “I’m a good person” box is just as empty and hollow as your idolatrous faith in the Democratic party.

    I do in fact expect you, us, and everyone else to do something else than just wait in line for a few hours (if you aren’t just a mail-in voter!) to vote for the Democrat who winces and sheds crocodile tears for the crimes they are compelled to do on behalf of political and economic hegemony.

    Don’t be lazy.