while being in retail?

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Hard to say there’s been quite a few, 99% of them during the holidays in a rural town, most people are nice, but something about the holidays just breaks them;

    one dude just started out by shouting at people on the floor about a sign, then he shouted at me for not being meant to work in retail, he was a manager he knew such things, I’d never work in this town blah blah, since his bullshit coupon didn’t work while I waited for the manager to get up there. Fucking managers never around when shit goes down. Some poor old lady came by and was started by the shouting and made the fatal error of informing our ragey guy he was shouting, they then began to have a comical shouting fest until the manager finally got up there 3 years later. manager just gave him the fucking coupon, per usual, toxic positivity customer always right bullshit but if I just honor it off the bat I get a talking to.

    a pair of old bats holiday shopping got upset because their bullshit coupon doesn’t work again, one bat gets huffy and says ‘this is why I went to college’, ofc my job is 100pct toxic positivity based, so I can’t defend myself that it isn’t 1912 where college = job while she glanced at me like I was worse than shit.

    a little kid was buying a book and asked me what I was reading (at the time it was some harmless math nerd book like The Self Made Tapestry or One by Pas, not hardcore theory that would start a torch-wielding mob in this town) before I could say anything her mom said not to ask more stupid questions, cashiers don’t read. This was so ridiculous I was like ‘yep lol never read a book in my life’.

    old guy shopping pays with cash and fucking throws his change at me after he just threw his clothing at me, when his wife gets shocked by his rudeness he says shit like that’s what cashiers get paid for and if I wanted better treatment I’d have gone to school.

    because a return wasn’t going her way, a lady went full outdoor cat and scratched up my hands and face, my coworkers thought it was hilarious.

    a lady bought some shit stained thongs to return, each thong was sequentially less soiled. It was disgusting AF and there are never fucking gloves at this job (I need to update my hep series shots now I think of it, thanks Hb), when I acted like I was rightfully touching human waste she got all pissy about it.

    another person was one of our regular thieves, would only steal white clothing and smear blood all over it, one day she got the bright idea to return it for store credit, and ofc, still no gloves. She had some finger chewing issue, she’d always come in like 10-15min to close tops and either steal/attempt to return stolen things. Usually she was at least decent all things considered and understanding of how gross it is to handle blood, but something tipped her off that day she was returning a white pair of bloody sneakers and kept snapping at me for being slow and grossed out by the blood that ‘maybe you shouldn’t do retail’. Its not like medical where at least you get gloves so you can boldly touch everything.

    some drunk guy came in right near to closing and started calling me and the manager crazy out of nowhere and general insults to mental health with a few slurs thrown in, you could tell the guy was wasted AF. The manager left and I gaslit the guy pretending I had no recollection of what he was telling me since this was a rare occasion I could get away with it. He came in another day and just would fight with every woman he encountered and drop the c word like candy, manager was a woman that day and threatened to ban him. Only time I’ve ever seen it.

    lots of stark transphobia and willful misgendering, one where the guy accused me of being a teenage girl when really I am like 10 years older than he was. Also racism, during the holidays it seemed every day someone accused me of ‘being illegal’ and would start speaking in the most cursed broken english or spanish one could imagine. The worst racism was a guy threatening to call his buddy in immigration to raid the store in broken English on both me and my Indian coworker since our store ‘only job no papers’.

    we had a regular guy I referred to as ‘old cummy pants’ who would piss and cum all over our expensive suits in the changing rooms for our young women associates to find, since we’re running super skeletal crew with like 3 people in the store tops to get his shock value he had to come up to the front. I arranged his things in his bag so the cum would pretty much ruin everything, when he realized this he stopped his disgusting smile, but there was nothing he could do since if he brought attention they’d know he was ol cummy pants. Checkmate asshole.

    people paying bills etc accusing me of taking their bill to line my own pockets and then looking at me all fucked up.

    my favorite is the magical belief lady, one day I came back from break to hear her accusing the manager of being a shape shifter, having rung up all her items once as a woman and then as a man and was charging her twice, the manager was like ‘wtf’ but just showed her the screen showing no, this wasn’t the case. another time she tried that shit on me and kept asking me where ‘that woman went’ before going full medieval shape changer nonsense, I shut her down right there with that turn me into a newt horseshit and was like you can look at the receipt and I’ll do a return after, also if I could shapeshift it’d be into a dragon (so I can fly away) not mere humans. she pulls that shit every time a guy tries to ring her up.

    then the latest (non holiday) I just remember was some lady who went behind the registers since we had returns to be processed, and she got mad she got told she couldn’t be back there and has been trying to get me trouble with the store/managers for weeks over it. Managers just laugh since that’s retail 101, you never go behind the registers.

    I want out of retail, I honestly wish there were another job I could get out here, I feel 1000% hopeless, especially with the holidays again approaching doomer

      • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        Pretty much, probably to get me to snap at her so she could feel better about things not going her way and then try to get me fired, since anything less than 100% positive toxicity is a firing offense.