Starting to see how silly this guilt by association crap is? How Cold War brain has poisoned minds and people are programed to react aggressively defensive with anything Russian? It’s xenophobic and paranoia.
They cleared Stein. It was an environmental summit. While everyone is talking climate change and what nations can do to address it. She just happens to be high up in an eco-socialist party and a life long ecological activist.
I thought we as a country moved on from this McCarthite Red Scare junk and all the problems it caused us and the world. Russia and China are economic competitors to resources Wall Street wants to exploit. They are not and need not be our mortal enemy.
the Senate Intelligence Committee investigated this because there was such a smear campaign that was being mounted against me. And when the Senate Intelligence Committee finished their investigation they published a couple pages that basically said, There’s nothing here, and we thank Jill Stein for her full cooperation. That’s what that amounted to.
If any of the charges stuck do you think she’d be walking free? All that noise and conspiracy theory spread by our media and political establishment to put a false guilt by association charge in people’s minds and to whip up a 3rd Red Scare.
Cold War brain is a hellava drug.
Look at this commie RUSSIAN ASSET traitor!

Holy shit here’s another high level traitor!
Another compromised agent of the Kremlin sitting at a table with Putin! With advisors!
I can’t find a picture of
and Putin so I think we missed out on a non Russian asset president by not electing him. … Hang on… oh noes Bernie named a PINKO USSR SOVIET CITY AS A SISTER CITY?! …he had his HONEYMOON IN SOVIET MOSCOW! TRAITOR! WEAK ASS COMMIE TRAITOR!
Starting to see how silly this guilt by association crap is? How Cold War brain has poisoned minds and people are programed to react aggressively defensive with anything Russian? It’s xenophobic and paranoia.
They cleared Stein. It was an environmental summit. While everyone is talking climate change and what nations can do to address it. She just happens to be high up in an eco-socialist party and a life long ecological activist.
I thought we as a country moved on from this McCarthite Red Scare junk and all the problems it caused us and the world. Russia and China are economic competitors to resources Wall Street wants to exploit. They are not and need not be our mortal enemy.
Recent Jill Stein interview
If any of the charges stuck do you think she’d be walking free? All that noise and conspiracy theory spread by our media and political establishment to put a false guilt by association charge in people’s minds and to whip up a 3rd Red Scare.